Unhype AI

Le corps halluciné

This Thursday Jan 21, 2021 at 7pm (CET) / 1pm (ET) I’ll talk about how to Unhype AI. What originally would have been a trip to Paris, on invitation of Marie Lechner and Gaîté Lyrique, is now an online event.

I’ll talk for about 40 min about how using a different language could aim at de-hyping “Artificial Intelligence”, or as I call it: Statistics. Then I’ll show some examples of how AI get’s hacked by artists and scientists, I’ll talk shortly about the cowtuna (depicted above), along my own project (with Flupke): https://adversarial.io

To make your time worthwhile Fabian Offert will be the other guest to talk, which I think is even more reason to join.


→ author: Francis Hunger, published on: 2021-Jan-21