Social Form

(1) The difference between services and physical objects consists of a distinction of the material content; the question as to whether they are commodities pertains to their socialform, and that depends upon whether objects and services are exchanged…


(2) What Hardt and Negri call “immaterial labour” overwhelmingly consists of the labour that is deployed in the fourth sector. This is evident in Michael Hardt (2010, 134–135). Rigi 2015:194


As Caffentzis (2013) argues, an ontological distinction between material and immaterial labour is problematic because all labour processes require the involvement of the human body and the expenditure of energy. Rigi 2015:193


“Face” implies thousands of other bits of #information a priori. #Language provides a dense network of meanings. … Vagueness is not only a deficit; it is a resource of #meaning. Peters 2008 #AI #MachineLearning

Text vs. Image

A text can inspire a huge abundance of interpretations without losing its power or meaning. To make a face, a photographer or portraitist must use a lot of pixels or paint. An author need only mention a person, and the … Mehr…

Dominion over Space

James Carey rightly pointed out that thinking about #communication had been dominated (in any sense) by concerns for #transmission, which he thought reflected a slightly ill romance in American culture with dominion over #space. Peters 2008

Read what was neaver written

Thanks to the graphic revolution of the 19th century, in which photography, phonography, … burst apart writing’s longheld monopoly on cultural storage, we have an exploded notion of records. We can now “read what was never written” in the words of … Mehr…


New forensic methods have called a new historical record into being… The old is as emergent as the new. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young smartly notes the name for the sudden reemergence of something long lost or buried: trauma. Peters 2008

Container Technologies

the archaeological record of prehistoric humans is #biased towards axes, daggers, arrowheads and other things that endure. These things tend to be what Lewis Mumford calls “power technologies” and not “container technologies” such as language, families, ideas… Peters 2008

Space Time and Power 2

(2)… transmission is the act of sending a #record across some kind of distance, whether space or time; and interpretation is the act of receiving transmitted records and putting them to work in the present. Peters 2008